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Petit Noel - Very Good

Petit Noel - Very Good

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Very Good - USED Very Good: A well-cared-for video game, CD or DVD that has been played, but remains in great condition. The film is complete, without interruption, and does not skip. The box or jewel case may show limited signs of wear, as may the cover art, liner notes and inclusions. Please note that included codes (if applicable) may not be guaranteed to work.BOOK : This book is in very good condition, showing minimal signs of wear. The pages are clean with no markings, and the cover may have only slight shelf wear. There are no creases on the spine, and the book appears well cared for. It is a solid copy that presents well. Please note that included codes (if applicable) may not be guaranteed to work.

Lide de vous offrir ce Petit Nol nest pas fortuite et sinscrit tout naturellement dans le prolongement de lmission spciale que janime en direct, la veille de Nol, sur les ondes dEspace Musique et de la Premire Chane de Radio-Canada, en marge de ma carrire de pianiste concertiste. En effet, depuis maintenant huit ans, je partage le 24 Dcembre au micro et au piano avec tous ceux qui se retrouvent runis dans la solitude ou le rassemblement, dans leuphorie ou la nostalgie, afin de vivre ensemble ces quelques heures avant le coup de minuit, dans une ambiance feutre et festive, celle dun bonheur possible, lcoute des plus belles mlodies du temps des Ftes.

Cest avec grand plaisir que jai retrouv loccasion de cet enregistrement, le violoniste Philippe Dunnigan avec qui javais collabor sur le projet de Montral Jazz Club Session 3 , lequel a demble accept de se joindre moi avec son Quatuor, afin de vous concocter ce Petit Nol, intimiste, enregistr dans la tranquillit de lglise Saint-Benot de Mirabel.

Jai galement fait de nouveau appel Richard Savignac pour larrangement des pices, lequel stait fait remarquer par la critique pour les arrangements de certaines de mes compositions qui furent interprtes par le Pacific Symphony Orchestra au Rene et Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall en Californie et par lOrchestre Symphonique de Montral, la Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier de la Place des Arts.

Petit Nol cest aussi le titre de lune des pices que jai compose et que vous retrouverez ici avec deux nouvelles compositions, soit Nol en traineau etPremire neige Kamouraska. Certains classiques viennent complter le choix musical, ainsi que la piceUn Canadien errant. Cette dernire est la mmoire de mon beau-papa et grand ami, Louis Martineau, qui laffectionnait tout particulirement et qui ma grande tristesse, sest teint dans la matine du 24 Dcembre dernier Elle sadresse aussi toutes les mes seules pour qui cette priode de lanne est synonyme dpreuve, ainsi qu tous ceux qui retenus ltranger, ne peuvent rejoindre famille, amis et aims pour les clbrations des Ftes.

The idea of offering you this Petit Nol (Little Christmas) is not fortuitous. It follows naturally from the special Christmas Eve broadcast that I present live on Espace Musique and the Premire Chane of Radio-Canada, alongside my career as a concert pianist. As a matter of fact, for eight years now, as the host and at the piano, I have been sharing December 24 with all the people who, in solitude or reunited, joyful or nostalgic, join together to experience these few hours before the stroke of midnight in a cozy and festive atmosphere suggestive of possible happiness, as they listen to the most beautiful songs of the holiday season. -Alain Lefvre

It was with great pleasure that for this recording I again met up with the violinist Philippe Dunnigan, with whom I had worked on the Montral Jazz Club Session 3 project. He immediately accepted the invitation to join me with his quartet so that we could prepare this intimate Petit Nol, recorded in the peacefulness of Saint-Benot de Mirabel Church.

I also called on Richard Savignac, once again, for the arrangement of the pieces. He was praised by the critics for his arrangements of some of my compositions, which were played by the Pacific Symphony Orchestra at the Rene and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall in California and by the Orchestre symphonique de Montral, in the Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier Hall at Place des Arts.

Petit Nol is also the title of one of the pieces that I composed and that you will find here, with two new works, Nol en traineau (Sleigh Ride)) and Premire neige Kamouraska (First Snow in Kamouraska). Certain classics complete the musical selections, along with the work Un Canadien errant (A Wandering Canadian). -Alain Lefvre


  • Petit
  • Lefevre, Alain
  • Noel
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