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"Un gars, une fille, vol. 1" [Import] [DVD] - Very Good

"Un gars, une fille, vol. 1" [Import] [DVD] - Very Good

Regular price $9.03 CAD
Regular price $26.98 CAD Sale price $9.03 CAD
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Very Good - USED Very Good: A well-cared-for video game, CD or DVD that has been played, but remains in great condition. The film is complete, without interruption, and does not skip. The box or jewel case may show limited signs of wear, as may the cover art, liner notes and inclusions. Please note that included codes (if applicable) may not be guaranteed to work.BOOK : This book is in very good condition, showing minimal signs of wear. The pages are clean with no markings, and the cover may have only slight shelf wear. There are no creases on the spine, and the book appears well cared for. It is a solid copy that presents well. Please note that included codes (if applicable) may not be guaranteed to work.

La comdie Un gars, une fille porte un regard la fois intime, hilarant, touchant et presque voyeur sur les ralits quotidiennes de la vie conjugale. En petits segments d' peine une minute, les situations cocasses et naturelles de la vie du couple deviennent de savoureux petits clips. Guy et Sylvie se sont hisss d'emble au panthon des couples mythiques de la tlvision qubcoise faisant souffler un vent de fracheur sur notre imaginaire matrimonial. Aprs avoir conquis le cur des Qubcois, la scne internationale tombe son tour sous le charme du concept unique dUn gars, une fille, qui connat dsormais un immense succs travers le monde.


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